cools thing u came over internet by x0rzavi | BBJ

>0 x0rzavi @ 2020/08/03 18:00

share ur experiences on cool stuff u came over the internet,
looking forward to links too :)

way to spend some boring time maybe??

>1 cblte @ 2020/08/05 20:00

today I have found a guy named KEV Quirk. He has some done some cool things. 
Maybe you want to check out his website:

>2 krisk @ 2021/01/24 18:14


Nice one.  I had come across this in the past re. 100 blogs in one year.  Even had subscribed to some of them.

Personally I've found a lot inspiration here:
In fact, found new approach to technology.  Strong opinions, to some of which I resited initially, but eventually gave in to many suggestions and discovered whole new worlds!

>3 katsuragi @ 2021/07/03 11:16